Ayurvedic Body Oil (Tarika Ayurveda)
In ancient India, the use of herbal medicated oils for massage, for treatment of diseases, for general well-being was widely prevalent. Oil massages were considered to be one of the best means to relieve vata problems.
Tarika Ayurvedic Body Massage Oil is a 100% natural and pure herbal oil, made in the tradition of the Ayurvedic oils of ancient India. It is prepared in a sesame oil base on a slow fire in brass vessels according to the long and rigorous process prescribed by Ayurveda,
Regular massage of the body with Tarika Body Oil acts as a tonic both on the nervous and muscular systems. Tarika Body massage oil makes the skin smooth, soft and bright, relaxes and improves the muscle tone, improves the flow of energy in the body; helps in better digestion, an easier and better urine flow, better blood circulation and a general feeling of well-being. Massage-treatments with Tarika Ayurvedic Body oil supplement the loss of vitality, firm and soften the skin, help maintain the muscle and tissue elasticity and suppleness It effectively relieves stress, fatigue and makes the body energetic. Body massages with this oil are also useful for getting rid of bad body odours, excess sweating, feelings of weakness, giddiness. Tarika Body massage oil relieves vata problems and balances the three doshas. It is is non-greasy and gentle to the skin and gets easily absorbed into the skin pores.
Massages with Tarika Body Oil on week-ends relieve stress and fatigue to reinvigorate and make you ready for the week ahead.
Tarika Ayurvedic Body Massage Oil is very useful for spas, health clubs and resorts, yoga and natural healing centres. Use of Tarika Body Oil in sports help in early healing of injuries and quicker recovery time. Local massages give relief from joint pains, asthmatic conditions, muscle stretches.
1. MAHASUGANDHITA TAILA - Ingredients Pterocarpus santalum, Aqularia agalloecha, Risina Flena), Pinus longifolia, Cedrus deodora, Sausurelappa, Cardamom, Vreleriana Hardwictrii, Liquidambr Orientis, Cuinamomum tamala, Moscus, Cinnamon, Ocrocorpuslingifolio Mesuoferea, Parmaliar perleta, Helikasaspera, Cyprusrotondous, Andropagon muricatum, Nordastochyo jatamansi, Mooramansi, Camphora, Vitex Speciosa, Phyllanthus niruhri, Curcumazerumbat, Choraka, Prunus mahaleb, Bastarous, Myristica Feagrans, Myristica officinalis, Cubeba officinalis, Areca catechu), Clove, Lamajjak, Bol myrrah, Prunus padam, Woodfordia floribunda, Nalika in a sesame oil base.
2. MAHABALA TAILA - Ingredients Sida cardinifolia, Dashamoolam, Alhagimaurorum, Vadariphal majja, Dolichos bifloros, Ashtavarga (Kakoli, Kshirkakoli, Meda, Mahameda, Jeevak, Rishibhak, Riddhi, Briddhi), Coculus cardifolious, Phasiolot trilobetus, Crangeamadrass patana, Prunus padam, Vansalochan, Pistaciaintagrirriwa, Pundarika, Jeevanti, Glycyrrihizaglabra, Witinis venifera, Mineral salt, Aqularia agalloecha, Risina Flena, Pinus longifolia, Cedrus deodora, Rubia cordifolia, Red sandal, Sausurelappa, Cardamom, Vreleriana Hardwictriit, Nordastochyo jatamansi, Liquidambr Orientis, Cuinamomum tamala, Hemideisnus indicus, Achorus calamus, Asparogus satavar, Withania somnifera, Anithum graveolens, Boerhavia Diffusa, cow milk in a sesame oil base
3. MAHANARAYAN TAILA - Igredients Aragle Marmelos, Withania Somnifera, Orocylum Indicum, Clorodrudron Philomedes, Melia Azedarach, Paederia foetida, Solenum xunthocurpum, Solanum indicum, Sida cardinifolia, Aputilium indicum, Pedalum Murex, Boerhavia Diffusa, Asparogus satavar, cow milk, Phasiolot trilobetus, Crangeamadrass patana, Desmodium Gangeticum, Uraria lagopoides, Foniculum Vulgore, Vanda roxburghie, Mineral salt, Cedrus deodora, Parmaliar perleta, Vreleriana Hardwictriit, Sausurelappa, Cardamom, Nordastochyo jatamansi, Aqularia agalloecha, Achorus calamus, Withania somnifera, Boerhavia Diffusa,Ashtavarga (Kakoli, Kshirkakoli, Meda, Mahameda, Jeevak, Rishibhak, Riddhi, Briddhi), Pushkaramool, Sida cardinifolia, Cyprusrotondous, Foniculum Vulgore, Rubia cordifolia, Curcuma longa, Berperis aristata, Pterocarpus santalum, Cardamom, Cuinamomum tamala, Cinnamon, Granthiparna, Ocrocorpuslingifolio Mesuoferea, Butea frondoza in a sesame oil base
Method of Use:
Full Body Massages - Pour out 3 spoons (approx 15ml) of Tarika Body oil in a ceramic, glass or steel bowl. Heat it just a little to make the oil comfortably warm. Then, dip your fingertips in the oil and gently apply rubbing it all over the body from head to toe - face, neck, chest, stomach area, genitals, legs. (It is not necessary to use a lot of oil on any part of the body, a little oil is sufficient as the oil spreads easily. During the massage, if the skin feels rough or dry, dip the fingertips in the oil bowl and apply a little more oil as and where required.) Next, massage yourself (or if you have someone to massage you, all the better) from feet upwards, using gentle and long strokes along the veins and muscles. Massage the stomach in a clockwise motion, the spine and around should be gently massaged. Massage the back of the neck with a gentle pressure. Massage well the joints. Massages should be done gently with a light pressure to help the oil penetrate the epidermis and into the tissues and muscles.
After the massage relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take a warm water bath or shower and pat dry. If you are using a bath-tub pour warm water and lie down in the tub for 8 to 10 minutes. You can also follow the massages with a sauna or steam. No soap or body cleaning products should be used after the oil massage – this is likely to dilute the effects of the oil. The oil is non-sticky and will get easily absorbed by the skin. For best results, after wiping dry, lie down on a comfortable place and breathe slowly and deeply for a minute or two.
NB: The oil massages should be done in a slightly warm area without fans and airconditioners. Also avoid windy areas and direct sunlight (especially if the weather is hot). One is likely to feel warm during the massage, but that helps the body properly absorb the full value of the medicated oil. After drying your body, cover yourself well with some comfortable clothing. Do not expose to cold, heat or windy conditions. Do not eat heavy foods immediately.
The full body massages with Tarika Body oil relaxes, de-stresses and energises the whole body. There is better circulation, a general feeling of well-being and quietness in the body.
Reinvigorating massage & bath: Mysteribath Herbomineral Ayurvedic (Mud) Bathing powder is known for its excellent exfoliating and cleansing properties. Take 20gms (2 to 3 teaspoons) of Mysteribath Herbomineral Bathing Powder in a bowl, add a little water to make a thin paste, next add about 5 ml or one spoon of Tarika Body oil to the paste. Wet your body and apply and rub this paste from head to toe. Rub / massage gently but firmly for 5 to 7 minutes or more (the longer the better) and then rinse thoroughly with water and wipe dry. Do not use soap. This special combination gives freshness and energy, deep cleanses the skin, makes it come alive with a smooth and soft feel. It is ideal for use in spas and health clubs.
Aromatherapy massages – This oil contains aromatic herbs and natural resins suitable for deodorizing the body. Regular massages help remove bad odours of the body as well as reduce excess sweating. This is particularly useful for obese persons.
Tarika Ayurvedic Body Oil can be used as a remedy for a few common problems.
Sunburns and related allergies, rashes - Add a few drops of Tarika Body Oil into a bowl or glass of water. Rub this solution lightly on the affected areas. The skin will easily absorb the oil and the healing will begin. For better results add Tarika Body oil to a Mysteribath mud bath paste and apply it on the skin. One can directly apply the oil on the skin if the skin is not too sensitive. This treatment is good in preventing summer rashes and allergies.
Asthma, colds, coughs - A good rub of the back, chest, forehead and nose area with a few drops of Tarika Body Oil gives welcome relief. This helps those suffering from periodic asthma attacks.
Shoulder and muscle stiffness - Apply and massage the affected area with a little Tarika Body oil for relief. Also a gentle rub on the neck, joints, back and around the spinal area ensures relaxation and flexibility.
Minor aches and pains - Massage the oil on the affected areas regularly and give hot water foment for quick relief.
Muscle soreness and stiffness after sports, workouts - Rub a small quantity of Tarika Body oil on the tired limbs/muscles as soon as possible after a strenuous session of sports or workout. This helps to relieve soreness and stiffness that normally set in, prevents lactic acid formation and helps in quicker recovery.
For energy, vitality - Regular full body massages (3 to 4 days a week) with Tarika Body oil - as detailed above (at least two to three times a week) brings back that lost vitality and energy to the body. Simply adding about 3 to 4 teaspoons of the oil to your bath and soaking yourself in it is quite reinvigorating.
Baths for children - Add a few drops of Tarika Body Oil into a bowl of warm water and rub this well on the child's body and head before bath. This is a good way to ensure proper growth of muscles and bones. It also keeps the skin supple and healthy. The oil can be combined with Mysteribath Herbomineral mud bath powder as mentioned above. The child should be above 3 months. Use only warm water for children. Do not use soap.
Hair wash, head wash - Add a few drops of Tarika Body Oil to a mug or glass of water. Wet your hair and scalp with this solution and rub it in gently. This removes dullness, fatigue, and weakness from the head. During the hot summer, this helps protect from sunstrokes.
Relief from tension - Massage the navel and the lower abdomen in a circular (clockwise) motion with Tarika Body oil.
Body and face scars, marks, stretch marks - Rub a few drops of Tarika Body Oil regularly on the scars, marks left on the body after surgery, injuries. Effective in reducing stretch marks. In due course the skin heals, becomes supple, smooth, soft.
Relief from tiredness and fatigue - Gently rub a few drops of Tarika Body Oil on the forehead and temples for relief from fatigue or headache. You can also add a few drops in a bowl of water and wash the forehead and eyes with the solution.
Restful sleep - Massaging the feet (particularly the soles) with Tarika Body oil before retiring helps relax the nerves and bring a restful sleep.
1. MAHASUGANDHITA TAILA - as per text/formula in Bhaisajya Ratnabali (Medorogachikitsa) - 40%
2. MAHABALA TAILA - as per text/formula in Bhaisajya Ratnabali (Vatavyadhichikitsa) - 20%
3. MAHANARAYAN TAILA - as per text/formula in Bhaisajya Ratnabali (Vatavyadhichikitsa) - 40%
*************** About Tarika Ayurlabs: We researched into different types of clays to understand their therapeutic and beneficial qualities. Each type of clay had its unique quality which it absorbed from its surroundings. The clays in forest ponds were rich with the properties of the medicinal herbs that grew on the edge of the ponds. In virgin forests and hilly areas of India, not inhabited by humans, and along the banks of flowing rivers, medicinal herbs and trees with curative properties grow freely. During the monsoon rains the ponds and water bodies in the forests and hills are fed with the rich herbal and mineral deposits that flow into them, enriching the pond and river bed clays with their therapeutic qualities. These clays are collected and used for Tarika and Mysteribath products. They are first washed and dried in the sun - the natural sunlight plays an important role in many Ayurvedic preparations - it not only has a strong disinfectant and purifying quality, it also energises and enhances the quality of the herbs and minerals. The clays are further purified and enriched with extracts of chosen herbs. Finally, different combinations of Ayurvedic herbs are added to these clays to create Tarika and Mysteribath products. |