Ayurvedic medicine treats the whole person,
and consequently employs a variety of curative and palliative treatments. Perhaps
the most enjoyable of the ayurvedic treatments are the Oil massage and relaxation
treatments for which Ayurveda has become famous worldwide. Ayurvedic massage
treatment, or snehana, is one of the
five methods included within the panchakarma
methodology. Ayurvedic Oil Massages will often include the use of oils and incense and
are specifically designed for each patient and the particular relationship
currently existing between their vikruti (current
physiological and psychological state) and their prakruti (natural/balanced physiological and psychological state),
thus no two massages will be the same. Ayurveda has identified and designed
several oils for the needs of each of these specific circumstances. Though
there are potentially innumerable types of ayurvedic oils, here we will discuss only a
few of the principal types.
For the head:
Brahmi Oil: This oil is effective in
cooling pitta, it helps ease tension
in your mind, bringing clarity, and added concentration. It has proven
effective in treating insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness, and is especially
recommended for those who work in stressful environments or are required to use
computers or read for long hours. It is best to apply by a gentle head massage
before bed to help sleep.
Bringaraja Amalaki Oil: Bhringaraj is known
as “the ruler of the hair”, and Amalaki as “the nurse” for its general maternal
healing properties. This combination is a popular oil perfectly suited for long
term use by application to the head before bathing. It promotes hair growth, and
is good for one’s complexion, for the drawing out of toxins, and reducing
inflammation. It also has cooling and calmative effects which help induce a
natural sleep.
Shirodara Oil: This oil is tridoshic, meaning that it helps to
balance all three doshas, and is made from a combination of ayurvedic herbs
specifically designed for Shridohara, a traditional ayurvedic treatment
involving gently pouring oil on the forehead to bring about relaxation and
well-being. This treatment is known to alleviate stress and anxiety, cool and
calm the mind, and cure insomnia and migraines.
For the muscles:
Ashwaghanda Oil: This oil is a unique
combination of ashwagandha, sesame oil, and white sandalwood. Ashwaghanda is
the best rejuvenative herb, particularly for the muscles, bone marrow, and
semen, and Vata constitutions. This makes it ideal for sore, overworked, underdeveloped
muscles, and generally for weakness and nervous exhaustion. In addition, Sesame
contains large amounts of Vitamins E and B6, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron,
and zinc, as well as the natural preservatives Sesamol and Sesamin, which
preserve its polyunsaturated fatty acids making it suitable for long term
Mahanarayana Oil: This oil is made from a
combination of over 50 ayurvedic herbs and is used for conditions including
joint and muscle pain, backache, headache, arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and
gout, as well as soothing respiratory troubles and enhancing sexual desire. It
is generally held to bring balance to the Vata
dosh. As vata governs such emotions
as fear, nervousness, and anxiety, in people with a high vata vikruti it can help to relieve these conditions. In such cases
it is generally applied before bedtime and left overnight.
For the skin:
Kumkumadi Oil: This is a unique blend of 16
different ayurvedic herbs, including vetiver, lotus, extracts of Banyan tree,
Indian madder, licorice, and most importantly the rare saffron. This
combination helps to revitalize skin texture and tension, nourishing it and
removing wrinkles and discoloration. It is effective in the treatment of acne,
dark spots, skin cracks, and especially dark circles under the eyes.
Yashtimadu Oil: This oil is a blend of
licorice root and leaves in a sesame oil substrate. It is an ancient ayurvedic treatments used to heal the skin and small wounds, and enhance complexion. It
nourishes and gives luster to the skin, opens pores, relieves dryness,
inflammations, and minor lesions. Due to the natural preservatives found in
sesame oil and the mild nature of this blend it is ideal for long term use.