The use of herbs for medicinal purposes
likely dates to the beginning of human civilization, but certainly back nearly
5000 years with the oldest extant records of such use dating to the middle of
the 3rd millennium BCE. For millions of years plants, herbs in
particular, have been developing methods for the manufacture of substances
which work to their advantage. Herbs develop such substances to dispel pests
and herbivores and to attract those animals and insects which work
symbiotically with them. The captivating colors and aromas of flowers are a
prime example of the wealth and beauty which is the product of these plant’s
years of learning and labor.
Fortunately, many of these products have
proven to be useful for the alleviation of pain and the curing of disease in
humans. Western pharmaceutical medicine often attempts to imitate these
substances and their effects by synthesizing chemicals similar to them, but
with such a limited knowledge of the substances, adverse effects often result. Ayurvedic medicine, on the other hand, seeks an intimate knowledge of these herbs
themselves which in turn allows it to utilize their many millennia of work for
the greatest benefit of the patient.
Ayurvedic medicine does not seek to outdo
the work of nature, but conversely seeks to uncover the power hidden within it.
To this end, Ayurveda has thoroughly organized the herbs it utilizes so as to
be of the greatest advantage. It approaches this knowledge through an
understanding of the universal qualities which the herbs share with the rest of
existence. These qualities are 20, being 10 pairs of contraries: hot, cold, dry,
moist, hard, soft, rough, smooth, sharp, dull etc. Each herb bears these qualities in various proportions. Through an
understanding of these principle qualities and the characteristics of their
varied proportions Ayurveda comes to understand the herbs themselves. In this
way Ayurvedic herbs have been organized into an extensive body of knowledge
stating the qualities inherent in them and their applications to various
In a world filled with plants which have
worked for millions of years to develop substances for the benefit of all and
efficient methods for the rendering of these substances it seems not only
proud, but perhaps foolish to neglect the fruit of their labor. Where modern
pharmaceutical products require millions of dollars for their research and development
only to imitate what nature has provided, ayurvedic treatments make the simple
and inexpensive choice to recognize this provision. There is a wise old saying,
don’t try to reinvent the wheel,
perhaps this is one piece of advice which ayurvedic medicine is trying to teach
the world by example.
Nature is a vast storehouse of medicinal
herbs and panaceas on which we have depended since before history began. Through
the nearly four thousand years that Ayurveda has been a living science it has
been acquiring knowledge and experience of these herbs, and using this ever
growing knowledge to better understand the nature and application of these God
given medicines.