Vasaguluchyadi Kashayam is a very famous Ayurvedic formulation in liquid form. It is also known as Vasaguduchyadi Kashaya, Kwatham. It has potent hepato-protective effect.
Vasaguluchyadi Kashayam benefits: It is widely used in the treatment of anemia, jaundice, fatty liver changes and other liver complications. It is also used in the treatment of Pitta imbalance and bleeding disorders.
Suggested Dosage: The dose is 12 – 24 ml, before food, at about 6 – 7am and 6 – 7 pm or as directed by Ayurvedic Practitioner.
It is usually advised to add equal amount of water to the kashayam. While administering, It is usually given along with a quarter a teaspoon of honey.
It is added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to quarter part, filtered.
Vasaguduchyadi Kwatham is the same formulation in tablet form with suggested dosage of 2 tablets 2 times a day after food.
Please Note * Product will be selected from any of the following Brands / Companies depending upon availability:
1. Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakal 2. Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates 3. Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore 4. Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala 5. Kerala Ayurveda
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