JRK Sidha SIVA Drops (Ayurvedic Immunity Booster) S.I.V.A Drops is very effective for those who suffer from diabetes, hypersensitive group, HIV infected group, subjects with various autoimmune disorders such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo and the subjects affected by degenerative diseases and also diseases like acute or chronic Eczema, Ulcers of G.I tract, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Fungal Dermatitis etc. S.I.V.A works wonder in developing sustainable immunity in human body . S.I.V.A . the herbal formulation selectively boosts the phagocytic ability of the macrophages located at different regions of the body such as peritoneal cavity, alveolar space etc and hence provides effective immune surveillance and robust defence mechanism to the host system. As a consequence, human system can fight quite efficiently against a variety of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes that surrounds us in the environment. S.I.V.A. prepared in camphor-poly herbal method, comprises of herbs extracts like Sivanar vembu samoola chooranam or Indigofera aspalathoides, a rare south Indian herb. Under treatment with S.I.V.A. increased membrane stability and chemotacticity of the phagocytes is developed. The phagocytic ability of the S.I.V.A treated cells is increased to 40 folds when compared to the un treated cells. S.I.V.A is absolutely safe without any harmful side effect. There is no metal /mineral component in the formula. Moreover no adverse reaction was reported or observed even when S.I.V.A is given concurrently with other drugs. There is no contra indications noted when S.I.V.A is administered. No toxic effect, hence long term use is recommended in chronic problems. The use of S.I.V.A is quite simple. consume everyday 10 drops of S.I.V.A with a teaspoonful of honey, early in the morning in empty stomach. For children it is 5 drops. Extent of S.I.V.A absorption is enhanced significantly when honey is co-administered. Enzyme based activation is presumed for this enhanced activity. |