Neelibhringadi Kera Thailam
(Ayurvedic Oil to prevent Hair Loss Oil, Dandruff & Greying)
Neelibhringadi Coconut Oil also known as Neelibhringadi Kera Tailam, is
a powerful tonic for the head and hair. It brings together all of the
most potent hair treating herbs in a cooling and nourishing medium of
coconut oil and milk that gets to the root of premature greying and hair
loss. In the medium of coconut oil with the additional support of cow’s
and coconut milk this oil carries its healing power deep into the blood
to calm and sooth an overactive pitta, while moisturizing and
nourishing the hair and scalp to soften and strengthen them. In
addition, Neelibhringadi oil
includes several herbs which clarify and refresh the mind and so helps
to relieve the stress and anxiety which is often a prime contributor to
hair related problems.
central ingredient in this hair tonic is Bhringraj, which literally
means ‘the king of hair’. Bhringraj is a powerful and well-rounded tonic
for the plasma, blood, and bone marrow, all of which are the root
causes of hair growth and color. Bhringraj is cooling and sweet in
effect. It works to cool the blood and related tissues which have been
over-heated by a hyperactive pitta. It draws out toxins and restores
balance to the blood, which due to continual stress and hyper-acidity
becomes toxic and erratic. In addition, the sweet effects of bhringraj
nourish and restore the blood and skin bringing a natural and healthy
tone to the surface and the hair.
blend also includes a number of herbs to support and augment the
effects of bhringraj. Principally among these are Amalaki, Brahmi, and
Neeli. Amalaki is a powerful herb which is used in many ayurvedic
preparations for its powerful balancing of pitta and general
rejuvenative effects. It is also cooling and sweet which renders is a
strong ally to the actions of bhringraj. It cleans and cools the blood,
restoring natural tone and balance. Meanwhile, it enhances ojas, the
life force, increasing the general vitality of all tissues. Neeli is
also a potent alleviator of pitta and supporter of rich and colorful
hair regeneration. Brahmi, named for its divine treatment of the mind
and nerves, is also cooling but unlike the rest it is bitter, rendering
it a strong cleanser of the blood and nerves. It is renowned for its
ability to restore a calm clarity to the mind, both helping to relieve
stress and to prevent further stress by helping one to better adapt to
the vicissitudes of life.
potent combination of herbs is first decocted in a blend of cow’s and
coconut milk and then blended in coconut oil. This combination of
vehicles enhances the soothing powers of the herbs and delivers them
straight to the blood and associated tissues. Milk is a powerful vehicle
for any treatment of the blood and related tissues. It delivers the
herbs directly to the blood while its sweet and cooling effects cool an
overheated pitta and provide the essential nourishment for the balancing
and revitalization of tissues. Coconut milk in particular is the only
milk other than human breast milk to contain lauric acid, which when
turned into monolaurin by the body is an essential anti-bacterial and
anti-microbial. This helps to cleanse the blood and skin of harmful
parasites such as scabies which can cause or complicate chronic dry
scalp and dandruff conditions. Coconut oil is one of the only oils which
has a cooling effect, and as such it is ideal for any hair or scalp
application. It is nourishing, rich in healthy medium chain fatty acids,
including lauric acid, and rejuvenating to the skin and hair. This trio
is the cream of the crop for any hair treatment.
Coconut Oil combines the forces of the greatest allies to the skin and
hair. Its cooling and cleansing effects on the blood help restore
natural hair growth from the bottom up, while its nourishing ingredients
are a boon both to the body and mind. It treats every manner of cause
for premature greying and hair loss aiming to treat the problem at its
root. For as the saying goes, healthy roots make for healthy hair.
Key Benefits: -
- Encourages rich and full hair growth
- Stops premature greying and hair loss
- Calms Pitta
- Restores healthy shine to hair
Suggested Use: - Apply to head before bathing, leave for 20-30 minutes then wash.
Neeli swarasa – Juice extract or decoction of Indigofera tinctorea Bhringaraja swarasa - Juice extract or decoction of Eclipta alba Shatakratulata (Karnasphota) - Cardiospermum helicacabum – decoction Dhatri – Amla – Emblica officinalis Aja ksheera – Goat milk Nalikera Ksheera – coconut milk Mahishiksheera – Buffalo milk Dhenudbhava – Cow milk Taila – Coconut oil Yashti – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra Gunjamoola – Root of Abrus precatorius Anjana – Aqueous extract of berberis aristata
Please Note * Product will be seleted from any of the following- Brands / Companies depending upon availability:1. Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates 2. Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore 3. Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala 4. Kerala Ayurveda 5. AVN Ayurveda Formulations |