Sudhabala Thailam A unique Ayurvedic oil solely used for neurological disorders like Facial palsy, Hemiplegia, insanity. It has been widely used by women in pregnancy and puerperium (post delivery period). A unique combination of Ayurvedic oil mentioned in Classic Ayurvedic text Sahasra yogam, Sudhabala serves an excellent choice for almost entire neurological disorders. The contents of the oil being bala, ksheera and thaila, Sudhabala thaialm acts as safe and effective oil for the treatment of women in their pregnancy and puerperium (Post delivery period). Bala being the drug of choice for entire disorders related to nervous system, it is advisable to use Sudhabala regularly for Abyangam, as a preventive measure against rheumatic and neurological disorders and also as a tonic for nervous system. Ingredients:- Sida retusa
- Milk
- Oil
- Sida retusa
Suggested Use: For external application over foot, head and body. ***************
About Arya Vaidya Pharmacy: The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, was established on 12th July 1943, and had its humble beginning in a small rented building on Trichy Road, Coimbatore. On 1st April 1948 The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) was registered as a Public Limited Company. Over the years, it has grown into a large enterprise in the field of Ayurveda offering services in the fields of Education, Research, Pharmacy and Clinical Practice. AVP manufactures around 400 therapeutic formulations in the two GMP certified production facilities in Kerala. It is the first Ayurveda company in South India to gain Government‚ GMP certification for production standards under the WHO guidelines for Ayurveda. AVP has 50 branches, with the full-time consultancy service of ayurveda physicians, some also having therapeutic treatment facilities under trained Ayurveda therapists. AVP‚ Marketing & Services department takes care of the nationwide distribution of Ayurveda medicines through C&F agents and over 1000 agencies. The AVP Group has been spearheading important research activities in the field of Ayurveda. The first ever WHO sponsored clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurveda in management of Rheumatoid Arthritis was conducted at the Ayurvedic Trust Hospital in the 1970s in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). More recently, the Ayurvedic Trust was involved in a National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA sponsored study to scientifically evaluate Ayurveda in collaboration with the University of Los Angeles, California and University of Washington, Seattle. The Ayurvedic Trust, the charitable wing of the AVP Group has now received the Center of Excellence grant from the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India as a Clinical Research Hospital specializing in Rheumatology. |