Dabur Mahasudarshan Churna Mahasudarshan Churna is a tridoshic Ayurvedic formulation used in the management of all types of fevers. It reduces AMA (toxins) and helps to fight off fevers and infections by enhancing body's immune response. It detoxifies the body and reduces blockage of channels, which induces sweating and reduces fever. Ingredients:Swertia chirata, Triphala, Haridra, Daruharidra, Kantakari, Bruhati, Karcura, Sunthi, Maricha, Pippali, Murva, Guduchi, Dhanvayasa, Katuka, Parpata, Musta, Trayamanag, Hrivera, Nimba (chhal), Puskara, Yasti, Kutaja, Yavani, Indrayava, Bharang, Shigru, Saurastri, Vacha, Tvak, Padmaka, Svetacandana, Ativisa, Bala, Salaparn, Prsniparni, Vidanga, Tagara, Citraka, Devadaru, Cavya, Patola, Lavanga, Vamsa, Kamala, Ashwagantha, Tejapatra, Jatiphala Sthauneya, Vidarikand, and kiratatikta. Suggested Usages:2 to 3g twice daily with honey and warm water. |