HAIMAVATHI VACHA CHOORNA (25 g) by SDM Ayurveda : Boost Mental Acumen and Speech Clarity Haimavathi Vacha Choornam, an Ayurvedic herbal supplement crafted from Paris polyphylla, a rare and valuable herb found in the high altitudes of the Himalayan mountains. As a potent Vacha Rasayana, this choornam is formulated to support overall growth, enhancing both physical and mental acumen. It is especially beneficial for improving speech clarity, managing stammering, and enhancing learning capabilities. This supplement also offers support for conditions such as Autism spectrum disorders, mood swings, epileptic attacks, and neoplasm. Suggested Dosage: For a child of about 6 years, mix 12 grams of the powder with unequal proportions of ghee and honey. This mixture is to be licked multiple times throughout the day to ensure optimal absorption and effectiveness. For enhanced benefits, especially in managing Autism, Haimavathi Vacha Choornam can be combined with Saraswatarishta and Guduchi, creating a comprehensive approach to holistic wellness. Rediscover the balance and clarity of body and mind with Haimavathi Vacha Choornam, your trusted companion in Ayurvedic healing. |