Loha Bhasma (Dhootapapeshwar) The famous remedy of Panduroga is Loha Bhasma. Excellent Haematinic & Balya thus increases quality, quantity & strength of Rasaraktadi dhatu.Useful in reducing the symptoms in Pandu such as palpitation, fainting & Agnimandya. Being Kashaya, Sheetal acts as Raktastambhak in Raktapradar, Ratarsha & Shwetapradar. Ingredients- Loha Bhasma Prepared using Shuddha Loha
- Shuddha Hingul
- Kumari Swarasa & Triphala Kwath
Indications:- Pandu
- Agnimandya
- Yakrut Vikar
- Krumi
- Kamala
- Kushtha
- Sarvanga Shotha
- Pleehavruddhi
- Udara
- Dourbalya
Dose: 125 mg to 250 mg 2 times a day with milk, ghee or honey *************** About Shree Dhootapapeshwar: Even after 5000 years, Ayurved is considered an important medical science by public and physicians alike. It is no surprise, therefore that the same range of products that was first manufactured by the company since inception still finds a prominent place in prescriptions of many Vaidyas. The goodwill of the group under Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. has been earned through the consistent quality production of these very useful Ayurvedic formulations keeping the changing needs of the Ayurvedic physicians, general masses as well as the world community in mind. In the post independence era, the company launched many branded Ayurvedic formulations which today have become the household names among millions of Indians. Shilapravang, Drakshovin are some of the pioneering brands that have established themselves deep in the minds of Ayurvedic practitioners. Ayurved relies very much on the exact process required to make the particular formulation to get the benefits of the raw material used. Over the years the production capacities have been given the benefit of modern machines and technological advancement but the basic spirit and processing remains unchanged. Faster and cheaper have never been the key guiding points for enabling change in production operations. The company believes that marketing quality products is a challenge in itself and therefore has hired professional advertisers and publicists to build a strong and truthful communication to bring people towards Ayurved. |